The Anthropocene Reviewed, Reviewed, Reviewed

Come for the facts, stay for the feels I I don’t usually do podcasts1, but I came upon The Anthropocene Reviewed under unusual circumstances. I’d previously heard of it from a more senior colleague during my days as a postdoc researcher. He’d described it to me as a guy doing five-star reviews of random thingsContinue reading “The Anthropocene Reviewed, Reviewed, Reviewed”

Dear Me

Letter to self from a trainee teacher As I have previously mentioned, the academic year of 2021/22 saw me working towards a Postgraduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) with the goal of becoming a secondary school Science teacher. The first half of September was spent in a relatively standard University classroom setting, with about four teachers-turned-lecturersContinue reading “Dear Me”

Out of the Mist [announcement]

On 5th August 1578, the Portuguese king D. Sebastião led his armies into the Battle of Alcácer-Quibir, known in Morocco as the Battle of the Three Kings. There the flower of Portuguese nobility perished, and the King was lost to History. The crisis triggered by this national catastrophe would soon lead to the loss ofContinue reading “Out of the Mist [announcement]”

How I accidentally became British

I came to the UK to do my PhD, back in 2014. At the time, Portuguese politics were still very much dominated by the aftermath of the 2008 financial crisis; and every time someone my age announced their intention to go abroad someone would inevitably bring up that one time that our then Prime MinisterContinue reading “How I accidentally became British”

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